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Photo credit: Alan M. Wilson

Draft programme

Session 1: Linking mechanics to energetics in the context of large- and small-scale animal movement and the environment


Anders Hedenström (Lund University, Sweden)

Avian flight aerodynamics and energetics linked to migration: limits to performance

Lucy Hawkes (University of Exeter, UK)

Flight physiology and adaptations for high altitude flight: bar-headed geese Himalayan migration

Douglas Altshuler (The University of British Columbia, Canada)

Ecological, energetic and evolutionary trade-offs in the design for hummingbird flight maneuvering

Emily Shepard (Swansea University, UK)

Flight energetics and avian movement patterns in relation to environmental factors

Terrestrial locomotion

Alan Wilson (The Royal Veterinary College, UK)

Field biomechanics, linking muscle energetics to performance and survival

Herman Pontzer (Duke University, USA)

Evolutionary and ecological context of locomotor energetics

Robyn Hetem (University of The Witwatersrand, South Africa)

Surviving in a hot environment: locomotor physiology and ecology

Vincent Careau (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Multivariate mixed models for studying individual variation in locomotor behaviours

Session 2: Linking swimming energetics and mechanics to ecology and robotics

Valentina Di Santo (Stockholm University, Sweden)

Swimming energetics in relation to speed, body form and anaerobic vs aerobic energy supply

Terrie Williams (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)

Linking energetics to the diving physiology and ecology of marine mammals: challenges to the oxygen pathway

John Dabiri (California Institute of Technology, USA)

Linking energetics and robotics to the hydrodynamics of jet propulsion in marine coelenterates

Session 3: Linking finer-scale patterns of energetics and mechanics to locomotor ecology

Mimi Koehl (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Swimming in a turbulent environment

James Liao (University of Florida, USA)

Fish swimming energetics and hydrodynamics in relation to complex flow

Timothy Higham (University of California, Riverside, USA)

Biomechanics and ecology of lizard movement

Session 4: Linking muscle energetics to mechanics: informing design of bioinspired assistive devices and robots

Gregory Sawicki (Georgia Tech, USA)

Energy saving mechanisms in locomotion: implications for ecology and gait assistance

Natalie Holt (University of California, Riverside, USA)

Energetics of muscle contraction, links to mechanics and animal function

Glen Lichtwark (The University of Queensland, Australia)

Cost of transport: integrating muscle energetics into musculoskeletal models

John Bertram (University of Calgary, Canada) Using constraint optimization approaches to running economy

Alexander Badri-Sprowitz (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Sytsems, Germany)

Linking mechanics to energetics in the context of biorobotic design


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Integrating Biomechanics, Energetics and Ecology in Locomotion

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Journal of Experimental Biology is the leading journal in comparative physiology. JEB publishes papers on the form and function of living organisms at all levels of biological organisation, from the molecular and subcellular to the integrated whole animal.

About JEB Symposia

The JEB Symposia were launched in 1978 at the suggestion of the then Editor-in-Chief John Treherne. Their aim was, and still is, to review knowledge and stimulate further research in an expanding topic of experimental biology and to bring together scientists from different areas to encourage cross-fertilization of techniques and knowledge across specialization boundaries. Since the first symposium on ‘Cellular oscillators’, the annual JEB symposia have covered a diverse array of topics within experimental biology, highlighting the relevance and power of the comparative approach to mainstream physiology.

The main aim of the JEB Symposia is to unite outstanding biologists and bring together their varied expertise on one particular subject.  It is a leisurely meeting with enough time to talk and to discuss. The number of symposium delegates is limited to invited speakers only.

In order that the proceedings of each symposium are made available to the community as soon as possible, speakers are invited to contribute a Review article to a ‘special issue’ of the journal. These special issues are freely available on the journal website at the time of publication.

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Manuscript submission

As part of the journal’s editorial strategy, all oral presentations will be published in the form of a Review article  in a special issue of Journal of Experimental Biology in early 2023.

Manuscripts should be a maximum of 7000 words (excluding title page, summary, references and figure captions), with up to 8 display items, and comply with our Submission Guidelines and Manuscript Preparation guidelines.

All invited Review articles for the JEB special issue should be submitted by 4 May 2022.

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