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About Biology Open

Biology Open (BiO) is an online Open Access journal that publishes rigorous, high-quality research across the breadth of the biological and biomedical sciences. We provide timely, thorough, constructive and fair peer review, with a focus on supporting researchers and reducing the pain to publish.

Our international board of research-active academic Editors, led by Editor-in-Chief Daniel Gorelick, comprises leaders in their respective fields. The BiO team is committed to Open Access publishing as a mechanism to widen access, promote equality and ensure sustainability in publishing in the biological sciences.

BiO is committed to supporting the biological sciences community through Open Access publishing.

BiO particularly aims to support early-career researchers. We publish First Person interviews with the first authors of our research papers, provide funds to sponsor early-career meetings, and create career development opportunities through our Meeting Reviews and Future Leader Reviews programmes.

BiO, together with The Company of Biologists, strives to ensure that the profits from the hard work of scientists inspire future scientific discovery and help develop the next generation of researchers. Surplus generated from publishing is returned by the Company to the community in the form of meeting grants, Travelling Fellowships and grants to scientific societies.

Please refer to the journal website.

BiO is a fully Gold OA journal (articles are published under the CC-BY license). Fee-free publication in BiO is available through many of our Read & Publish agreements.

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First Person interviews

As a community journal, BiO is keen to support the next generation of biomedical scientists. We publish a series of interviews with the first authors of a selection of papers published in BiO, helping early-career researchers promote themselves alongside their papers.

Future Leader Reviews

Future Leader Reviews are an opportunity for early-career researchers to establish themselves in their field, find a foothold in a new area, and build their profile ahead of grant, fellowship and job applications.

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Visit the journal website to find Biology Open's latest articles, as well as author information on manuscript preparation and submission.

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Democratising access to research – our long-standing commitment to Open Access publishing

Updated 20 August 2024

The scholarly communication landscape has changed profoundly over the past two decades, with a profusion of new publishing and subscription models from commercial and not-for-profit publishers. The increasing importance of Open Access (OA) – making research immediately and freely available to all – has presented challenges as well as opportunities for libraries, funding organisations, publishers and researchers alike.

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Visit our journal websites

Development Journal of Cell Science The Journal of Experimental Biology Disease Models & Mechanisms Biology Open

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