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Cell Dynamics: Host-Pathogen Interface

Organisers: Michaela Gack, Maximiliano Gutierrez, Dominique Soldati-Favre and Michael Way

Date: 8 - 11 May 2022

Location: Wotton House, Surrey, UK

This meeting will be the third instalment of our highly successful Cellular Dynamics Meeting series, and will focus on ‘Host-Pathogen Interface’. Intracellular pathogens highjack and use the cellular systems of their unwilling hosts to ensure their continued survival, replication and spread. The relative simplicity of many pathogens and the ability to manipulate them genetically has made them ideal model systems to analyse fundamental cellular and biological processes, including cell death and innate immunity. This meeting represents a unique opportunity to bring together many different experts working at the interface between cell biology and a diverse range of pathogens. With talks from an outstanding list of speakers and selected delegates, we will delve further into this important area of research and hope to educate and inspire PIs, postdocs and students.

Topics include:

  • Membrane trafficking and organelles
  • Phagocytosis and pathogen entry
  • Cytoskeleton
  • Innate Immunity and pathogen sensing
  • Advanced imaging
  • Autophagy and cell death

Meeting photo

Image: Maximiliano G. Gutierrez, The Francis Crick Institute, UK

Covid-19 measures

We will require all of our attendees to be fully vaccinated to attend our in-person events. We will be following the latest government guidelines regarding safety measures and social distancing, but will also be taking scientific advice to make sure we are doing all that we can to protect our delegates. The safety of our delegates is paramount and we are likely to take a cautious approach in any measures that we introduce.

Meeting programme

Please have a look at our exciting provisional programme for this meeting.


Dependant care grant

We offer grants of up to £400 to help cover the costs of additional care for dependants while delegates/speakers are attending the meeting.

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Thanks to our sponsors


Sponsorship and exhibition

For more information about how you can get involved with this meeting please download our sponsorship pack.

Cell Dynamics: Organelle-Cytoskeleton Interface

Watch the video of the meeting in 2019, held in Lisbon, Portugal, to see how Journal of Cell Science meetings run.

About our Journal Meetings

The teams behind our journals bring you the most relevant and challenging topics for discussion through a series of international meetings.

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Visit our journal websites

Development Journal of Cell Science The Journal of Experimental Biology Disease Models & Mechanisms Biology Open

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